Cathedral elementary principal leaving

Published 12:18 am Saturday, April 7, 2018


NATCHEZ — Cathedral Elementary School’s principal announced Thursday she would not return to the school after this academic year.

Principal Shannon Bland told parents Thursday that after 16 years in Natchez, she plans to move back to New Orleans with her husband in order to be closer to family. Bland informed the school’s staff and faculty Wednesday that she would be leaving.

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Moving was purely a family-based decision for Bland, who said she had not begun to search for a job in New Orleans.

The decision to uproot was not easy after becoming so ingrained in the community, Bland said.

“I think just the whole interaction with the community as a whole has taught both myself and my family what it means to be part of a tight-knit community … that’s something I’ll truly miss,” Bland said.

Cathedral School Head Administrator Norm Yvon called the announcement “a surprise” and said Bland would be missed, but he also said Bland had made an indelible mark on the school during her many years there.

“She’s going to leave a great legacy … She’s going to be a part of Cathedral history,” Yvon said.

The school, Yvon said, would begin the process of finding an administrator to fill the soon-to-be-empty position.

Over the course of her time at Cathedral, Bland helped raise the bar and contributed to improving the school in a number of ways, Yvon said.

“Her dedication to our school and to Catholic education in particular is unparalleled,” Yvon said. “She’s done a lot of work with us to help us get our curriculum up to date, our instructional practices up to date.

“Services for our students who need extra help and students who need extra challenges — she’s done a lot of work to bring those things about and to bring the services to a better level.”

One such program Bland said she felt especially proud of developing is the school’s dyslexia therapy program.

“I feel very blessed to have been able to develop that program, and I’m excited to see it continue to grow,” Bland said.

The school’s advancement in both math and science are other aspects Bland touted in terms of the school’s development. And she hopes to continue being a part of that development, as Bland said she plans to continue aiding the school through the transition process.

Looking back on the time spent in Natchez, Bland thanked the parents and faculty of Cathedral School as well as the community of St. Mary Basilica.

She also thanked the people who have been with her throughout the journey — her family.

“The support of my husband and my children with this transition has been the most incredible experience, and I think it makes us stronger as a family,” Bland said.

Despite the sadness of leaving, Bland said this experience has helped her grow, and she feels confident her school and community will continue to progress after she leaves.

“It’s a hard decision — it’s scary and exciting all at the same time,” Bland said. “But I know that Cathedral is going to continue to thrive and do great things.”