Supervisors revisit, debate waste collection contract

Published 12:27 am Sunday, August 27, 2017


NATCHEZ — After previously approving to move forward with Waste Pro Monday, Supervisors brought the subject up again Thursday.

Adams County District 4 Supervisor Ricky Gray said he had a problem with voting yes based on a sheet of paper with information on how Adams County’s rate compared favorably to other areas, only to later find out no one knows where that information came from.

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“It wasn’t an apples to apples comparison to me, after I got a chance to look at it,” Gray said. “I voted on something quoted off a sheet of paper, and at the end of the day, I didn’t know where the paper came from.”

Board of Supervisors President Mike Lazarus said the document had been in his box, but that he did not know who put it in his box.

Lazarus said County Administrator Joe Murray has since reached out to other counties to get their prices and learned Adams County’s $9.25 per resident per month garbage rate is amongst the lowest in the state.

Lazarus said he was surprised to see Adams County cheaper than Hinds County. Hinds County has a larger population than Adams County, and more dense housing typically makes the garbage rate cheaper.

“They are twice a week, the same scenario,” Lazarus said. “Plus we get free dumpsters.”

Gray said he was concerned about raising taxes next year, since he was under the impression it would be an election year. However, Lazarus later pointed out that the election year is not for two years.

Murray said supervisors also raised the garbage collection rate by $2 last year to bring the rate up to what it is costing the county. If the bids went up, were supervisors going to raise the rate two years in a row?

“I don’t think anyone in the room thinks the garbage collection is going to be cheaper than what we have got now,” Murray said.

Murray told supervisors when they bid garbage collection out next year they could absorb the costs if costs do increase.

Board Attorney Scott Slover said though the county would renew its contract with Waste Pro, it could still bid with the city. Slover said, however, the term would have to be staggered so that the county would not come on board until next November when the Waste Pro contract ends.

Gray said going forward he wanted the board to do a better job of sharing information, “so all of us would be on the same page at the same time.”