Let healing of nation begin today

Published 12:00 am Friday, January 20, 2017

Today, one of America’s most sacred and often most underappreciated events will take place at 11 a.m. — our nation’s executive leadership baton will be passed.

With the recitation of a 35-word Oath of Office, our continuity of democratic rule will be on full display, the peaceful transition of executive power visible to the world.

Last year’s election was among the most vicious and most divisive in modern times.

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At today’s inauguration, all of that angst, all of that anger and all of that mistrust needs to be buried.

We are a nation of laws and our laws were followed during the 2016 presidential election.

Donald J. Trump won the election and Democrats, Republicans, independents and others must all set aside their differences and work together to move our great country forward.

The wounds of 2016 will take time to heal, for certain. But our country must heal and pull together to regain our collective strength.

The key to that is finding common ground, even if that common ground is a love for our country and a desire for the country to flourish.

Our nation is not perfect nor is any of our nation’s leaders. But our country remains good and the system created by our forefathers among the best in the world, though it depends on citizens who care and who are invested in the country’s well being.

Over the next four years, we hope all Americans — regardless of political party affiliation or presidential candidate preference — will remain focused on moving our country ahead in a positive way, working on consensus building and compromising when and if necessary.