Mayor Butch Brown led city with passion

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Butch, I want to go on record that as a close observer of local elected officials and as a 10-year veteran of the National Association of Counties in Washington, DC., that I hold you in high regard for what you have done for this town as mayor.

Vernon Jordan was spot-on when he was quoted in the highly respected magazine, The Economist, a few years back, that there was a new breed of mayors making a difference in small-town America, and “the mayor of Natchez, Miss., is one of them. I call them the ‘entrepreneurial mayors.’ These people get things done for their citizens when towns are faced with funding problems.”

I think he wanted to say (a phrase that’s recent): “They think outside the box and are not timid about exploring alternative ways to find funding streams.”

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Mr. Mayor, you can retire from government but not from continuing to make things better in Natchez — your passion and love for this town will not be delegated to the rocking chair. Your experience, contacts at the state and national levels and national reputation as a person of accomplishment, can be used to move this city forward “Onward and Upward.” Elaine and I wish you and Shields the best, Mike

Mike Gemmell

Natchez resident