Join us to celebrate St. Joseph’s Day

Published 12:00 am Friday, March 11, 2016

Please come join us in Tuite Hall at Assumption Catholic Church, 10 Morgantown Road, in Natchez from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, March 19, as we celebrate Saint Joseph’s Day. For those of you unaware of the history behind this celebration, I’d like to offer you a bit of historical background.

Officially, St. Joseph’s Day is March 19, and in Sicily, many years ago, there was a severe famine. The Sicilians turned in prayer to St. Joseph for help (since he is the patron Saint of farmers, workers, fishermen, families and for the dying).

The townspeople begged him to bring an end to the famine, and their prayers were answered with a great rain. The crops flourished and the people were saved. As an act of thanksgiving, they bestowed upon St. Joseph a huge feast laid out on a three tiered altar representing the three persons in the Blessed Trinity, (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.)

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The feast was meatless because it typically falls during the Lenten Season, when all meat (except seafood) is to be abstained. During the famine, the Sicilians’ ancestors ate mostly bread, vegetables and fish, which are the main components of the altars. A statue of St. Joseph or a picture of the Holy Family will always be placed at the top tier surrounded by flowers, candles, greenery and fruit.

You will also find symbolic breads decorated and shaped in familiar Christian symbols such as the Monstrance (Spada) which holds the Sacred Host, a cross; signifying the crucifixion of Christ; doves representing the Holy Spirit; lambs since Jesus is referred to as the Lamb of God; a Bible, (usually a large cake as one of the focal points of the altar) and palms, since palms were cast at Jesus’ feet as he entered the holy city of Jerusalem.

In addition, breads and cakes are made to reflect symbols associated with St. Joseph, such as a hammer, saw, nails, and breadcrumbs (to represent “sawdust”) in honor of the carpenter saint along with his staff and sandals. You will also find Italian fig cookies, grapes, the traditional Italian olive salad and a large fish.

Even though the tradition was begun by the Sicilians in Italy, it is still an annual tradition today in the Catholic faith and we invite everyone to come and be a part of Assumption’s St. Joseph’s Day celebration.

Traditionally, many individuals and their extended families create altars in their home for St. Joseph’s Day. Many of these altars are in fulfillment of promises made to St. Joseph for favors granted. Others create theirs solely as a devotion to him in honor of a loved one, or an ill person, or possibly for jobs and safety of family members, especially those serving in the military.

In my hometown of New Orleans, they are everywhere due to the fact that New Orleans has a large Catholic influence. There are signs on just about every corner directing you to some. It’s a huge feast day that can be seen in many public places such as churches, schools, hospitals, halls, homes and restaurants.

We also collect canned goods, dried goods as well as accept monetary donations that will be donated to the less fortunate in our community. As they say in New Orleans, “Laissez le bon temps rouler” (Let the good times roll) and we hope to see you there.


Nona Colombo is a member of Assumption Catholic Church.