Get well soon, Mayor Brown

Published 12:26 am Sunday, December 20, 2015


In less than two weeks, the future of Natchez begins as the city embarks on a yearlong celebration of the city’s very birth.

The City of Natchez will begin celebrating its 300th anniversary or tricentennial celebration. As the oldest settlement on the Mississippi River, Natchez is a rarity.

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Natchez’s history is deeply connected with America’s history. Natchez existed as a river port well before the Revolutionary War broke out.

The city sent its young men to fight in all of America’s greatly military wars.

Natchez residents — many volunteers — have begun a great lineup of events to help the city and the world celebrate 300 years of Natchez’s history.

But more than merely looking back at history, we feel Natchez’s tricentennial celebration will miss the mark if we end 2016 with nothing but a good time and a pile of tourists more educated on our history.

Natchez has the potential to reshape our future through the tricentennial. We can in many ways use the event as a launching point into the future.

If you close your eyes and dream of your most idealistic goals for the city, we have no doubt that if a number of residents who love Natchez worked together to accomplish those goals, all could be achieved.

Among those who love Natchez deeply and who understands the importance of the tricentennial to Natchez is Mayor Butch Brown. Sources close to Brown suggest he’s been hospitalized for some health ailments.

Whatever the cause, we pray for his speedy recovery. While we’ve often been critical of Brown’s public actions, we’ve never doubted his absolute love for his hometown. Please get well soon, Mr. Mayor.