Have a piece of birthday cake for Jesus at First Presbyterian

Published 12:00 pm Friday, December 4, 2015

The Christmas season has once again arrived. The normal hustle and bustle of our busy lives becomes even more intense during this season. There are activities involving our children, parties and gatherings, wonderful entertainment, musicals and plays. The list is unending. The First Presbyterian Church in Natchez will present a Christmas program that will provide for you a respite in the sea of the holiday business. Our church is offering you a place to come and hear the wonderful and miraculous story of our Savior’s coming to earth, for each of us.

This is a first for our church in many ways. The choir, which includes church members, regular attenders, and a few Alcorn students, will be accompanied by a small orchestra directed by Dr. Jim Franklin. Many of the talented musicians are residents of Natchez, which is a wonderful asset in our community. The service will also include selections by our hand-bell choir. And of course, there are always the children who so often turn our hearts toward the true meaning of Christmas. The children’s choir, under the direction of Ms. Cherish McCallum, will be featured in “Happy Birthday, Jesus,” accompanied by a harp and flute. The youth group, under the direction of Pastor Denny Read, will be featured in a vignette during a narrative scene. Even the youngest children will be at our doors to greet you and offer you a scripture from their baskets.

You are cordially invited to attend the celebration of Jesus’ birthday in music and scripture on Sunday, Dec. 6, at the 10:30 a.m. service at First Presbyterian Church, Natchez. The program is guaranteed to be an inspiration as well as a blessing to all who hear it. You will not want to miss this beautiful Christmas celebration.

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There will be birthday cake and punch in Stratton Chapel following the service. After all, it’s His birthday!


Sharon Rouse is the Music Director for First Presbyterian Church in Natchez.