Join Mission Mississippi to spread message of unity

Published 2:00 am Sunday, November 15, 2015

What is your vision for Natchez? Is it one of unity within the community and moving forward together into our next 300 years? Do you believe that we must directly address the issues of race that divide us? Do you believe that we need God’s help to do so?

“Through Christ, we can find common ground to build strong relationships and communities for the betterment of all Mississippians, regardless of race.”

This is the vision statement for Mission Mississippi, a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to being “the leading resource and catalyst for Christian racial reconciliation and healing for Mississippi and the world.”

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For more than 25 years, Mission Mississippi has been operating in towns around Mississippi, working to bring about racial healing, one relationship at a time. The organization further seeks to bring reconciliation across all lines that divide the Body of Christ: denominations, economics, politics and gender.

Our Natchez chapter of Mission Mississippi meets the first Tuesday of every month over a delicious lunch at the Natchez Children’s Home. Everyone is invited to join us on 11:30 a.m. Dec. 1. There are no dues to attend, only a nominal cost for lunch.

But in the meantime, on Saturday, Mission Mississippi Executive Director Neddie Winters will be in Natchez to facilitate a Day of Dialogue among people of all races who are interested in bringing unity to our community and the message of Christ to the world.

Sometimes confronting our personal and social prejudices can be very uncomfortable, but only by challenging our own cultural assumptions can we open ourselves to the humility and grace of Christ.

One of the core values of Mission Mississippi is that participants must be willing to commit to “stay at the table” through tough conversations where our hearts are exposed. Only that way can we come through the emotion and rhetoric to the truth and grace that wait on the other side. We must face the hard truths of our past, and ask God to open us to the forgiveness that brings healing.

For our Day of Dialogue we will be seated at tables of 10 during our morning together, with Neddie Winters’ gentle leadership and wise guidance through a series of topics designed to lead us deeper into understanding of one another and of the Person and message of Jesus Christ.

As the letter to the Galatians states, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

The event will be held at the Natchez Convention Center from 8:30 am until noon. There is no cost to attend. Please examine your conscience and prayerfully consider giving one Saturday morning for the betterment of our community. You will know if God is calling you to do this work.


Kathleen Bond is a participant in the Natchez Chapter of Mission Mississippi. For more information about the Day of Dialogue, call 601-445-4611.