Be a part of Ellis Malone Fun Run

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 30, 2015

We live in a wonderful community! In my job, I am tasked with convincing a business to relocate or expand in our area. Ninety-five percent of the information I use to convince them to locate here is centered on transportation, workforce, utilities, education and policy/regulations. The other five percent is based on quality of life in our community. My family is a living example of the great quality of life this community offers. Yes, we have great recreation opportunities and tons of natural beauty created by the miles and miles of waterways that flow throughout this area, but the one thing you can’t capture in a photo, a map, or a chart is the outpouring of love and support this community provides to those in need.

As many of you know, our daughter Ellis was born in 2012 with a very rare syndrome named Apert Syndrome. It is a sporadic mutation of a gene that causes the premature fusion and development of her bones. Ellis was born with all five fingers on each hand fused and all five toes on each foot fused. Also, areas of her skull fused prematurely. As a result, Ellis has had to undergo multiple surgeries to separate her fingers and toes. She has also undergone Cranial Vault Reconstruction (CVR), which expands the skull to allow for brain growth. Ellis will be due for another CVR surgery when she is 5 years old. The interesting part about this syndrome is that the bones continuously refuse as Ellis grows. Therefore, she will be required to have follow-up surgeries that allow for proper growth until she exceeds development age at roughly 18 years old.

Because of Ellis’ constant medical needs, the Ellis Laine Malone Foundation was formed to assist Ellis, and other Apert families, in meeting the medical needs required to thrive with this syndrome. The Ellis Laine Malone Foundation is holding its 4th Annual Fun Run on the Vidalia Riverfront on Saturday, Nov. 14, 2015 with registration beginning at 7 a.m. There will be a 5K for ages 13 and older and a 1-mile run for ages 12 and younger. Registration fees are $35 for the 5k and $10 for the 1-mile. You can visit the Ellis Laine Malone Foundation Facebook page or call 318-336-3635 to learn more about the race and how you can participate. This year, we are excited to partner with Louisiana Country Music’s Launch Party that will be held on Friday, Nov. 13, 2015 at the Amphitheatre on the Vidalia Riverfront. The concert will feature live music by Charlie Hugg from the band Vidalia, followed by The Todd O’Neill Band. We will be selling jambalaya during the event to support the Foundation, and a portion of the proceeds from the concert will be donated to the Ellis Laine Malone Foundation! Visit to get your tickets to this event!

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This community has rallied around our family since the day Ellis was born. All of you have been kind and generous during our time of need. This community has taken away many of our fears as parents: Will she be accepted by others? Will she be bullied? Will we be able to support her medical needs? This community has welcomed Ellis and all of her differences. This community is teaching their children kindness to those that look and act differently. This community continuously supports the Ellis Laine Malone Foundation, which has taken the financial burden off our family to allow us to concentrate on just being a family.

So, when I’m questioned about our community’s quality of life, it’s very easy to explain that our number one strength in our community is our PEOPLE! Thank you for all the support you have given us to date, and we hope to host another fun event this year with the Ellis Laine Malone Foundation 4th Annual Fun Run — Running on the River!


Heather Lanius Malone is the mother of Ellis Malone.