Initiative 42 key to future of education

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 1, 2015

Don’t be fooled by incorrect information from officials who don’t want to fully fund our schools, as the Legislature promised 18 years ago.

Initiative 42 is the only way to force our lawmakers to abide by its own school-funding law. Clearly, their track record shows that won’t happen unless voters tell them to do it.

On the Nov. 3 ballot, Initiative 42 proposes to change the Mississippi constitution to provide the fundamental right of every child to an adequate and efficient system of free public schools. Our state is the only one without such a right.

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Initiative 42 would require the state to support (fund) that system of free public schools and require the Legislature (which is part of the state) to determine how that funding will occur. Supporters of Initiative 42 suggest a multi-year phase-in plan, but if our legislators have a better idea, we’re all for it. While I-42 does not make phase-in mandatory, neither does it require immediate full funding.

The Legislature is not going to force massive agency budget cuts, when Initiative 42 passes. Why would they when they don’t have to?

Lyn Fortenbery’s concerns about her tourism budget are understandable, but misplaced – the Legislature has other options besides slashing agency budgets. Why would lawmakers do the worst thing, when they don’t have to?

These threats are just despicable scare tactics for state employees and their families.

What Initiative 42 will do is enable our schools to provide our children with the educations they deserve to be successful. Our children are tomorrow’s skilled workers, which employers across the globe seek every day. These employers aren’t locating or expanding anywhere that they can’t rely on an abundant, skilled workforce.

Fortenbery, who I’m sure is a fine person and does her job well, has been misinformed when she states that the future of our state and the Adams County community “is at risk” if I-42 passes. The opposite is true – our future is at risk without passage of I-42.

What happens to our communities when our public schools fail? Our communities fail. Our businesses, our hospitals, our livelihoods are jeopardized. That’s not what we want for Mississippi.

On Nov. 3, vote twice – first, to change the constitution and then for Initiative 42.

If you want more information, go to our website or call us at (769) 524-6818.


Patsy R. Brumfield, a McComb native and longtime Mississippi journalist, is communications director for 42 For Better Schools, headquartered in Jackson.