Please pray for chronically ill girl

Published 12:05 am Monday, June 15, 2015

Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.”

I, along with my family, am on a journey seeking your assistance to help my chronically ill niece, Khloe.

There is much to be told in the story of this 16-month-old little girl who is fighting for her life. With our prayers and yours, she has come a long way, but still there are so many obstacles that are hindering her progress.

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Our continued prayer is that God enables Khloe to be a living testimony in her life ahead. Her 16 months have been entwined with many medical tribulations, but still there is hope.

When her mother, Wania, learned that she was giving birth to another little girl, not only was she excited, so was the entire family. As the months passed, her doctor informed her that there were some abnormalities with her pregnancy. We had no idea our little girl was already experiencing many health problems while still growing in her mother’s womb.

On Jan. 17, 2014, two months before her due date, Khloe graced us with her presence. On Jan. 20, 2014, she was airlifted to Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children in Jackson, where she was placed in the neonatal intensive care unit.

Her stay there was extended, tiring and heartbreaking. There was much fear that she was too ill, weak and small to survive.

Little Khloe was diagnosed with kidney failure. She was hurried off to surgery to have a dialysis catheter inserted in her small and frail body. She began dialysis and continues to have treatments 10 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In addition to dialysis, Khloe started to have seizures. Having seizures caused her to be placed on life support with little hope that she would survive. Many more problems occurred during this time also. Her tiny organs began to shut down and the strokes continued to come. The feeding tube that had been inserted in her nose was removed and surgically placed in her stomach.

Once again, we were informed that she had little to no chance of surviving the many obstacles she was facing. The doctors informed us her little body could not sustain the affliction it was enduring.

With many months of prayer and treatments, Khloe started to improve. She was finally released from the hospital in November. From that time until the present, she makes 10 or more monthly trips to Jackson. She is currently administered 12 different medications to control high blood pressure, seizures, strokes, acid reflux and respiratory complications.

As we continue to press and pray on, we are asking for your support as Khloe awaits a kidney transplant.

A benefit program on her behalf will be held Saturday, June 20, 6 p.m. at New Beginnings Missionary Baptist Church, pastored by the Rev. LeRoy White. Elder Roderick Lewis will bring the message. New Beginnings Missionary Baptist Church choir and the male chorus will provide music. A fund has been set up at United Mississippi Bank for Khloe Williams or you may donate on line at

Your thoughts, prayers and donations are needed and very much appreciated.


Luvenia Winson-Gaylor of Natchez is Khloe’s aunt.