Tricentennial: a year to look ahead

Published 12:01 am Friday, June 12, 2015

Hopefully, many of you know next year Natchez will be celebrating its 300th birthday.

Our city has been through much over this time, experiencing unfathomable highs and devastating lows, the only constant being our westward view of the Mississippi River.

And in 2016 we, as Natchezians, will have the opportunity to commemorate these past 300 years as we celebrate our present and create our future.

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The year 2016 is not a stand alone year to recognize our city’s past. It is a catalyst for positive change in the community, empowering people to overcome their differences and share their strengths with others. People who are now collaborating and inspiring real change in our community.

The mission of the Natchez Tricentennial Commission is to bring our community together. It is committed to community-focused initiatives by supporting local established events, and will use the leverage of the 300-year celebration to spread the good will of Natchez to the world.

Knowing the importance of building upon what Natchez already has, the focus is on enhancing internal partnerships to bring positive awareness to Natchez’s existing assets and the hard work of its small-town businesses to the forefront.

Our ultimate goal is to make Natchez an unforgettable destination and an even more desirable place to live.

The Tricentennial calendar year is filled with established annual events and specialty programs created by members of our community to highlight its distinguished attributes: a birthday party celebration, weekly talks on unusual/ lesser known aspects of Natchez’s past, diversity programs, music festivals, sporting competitions and even celebrations of sunsets on the bluff.

This landmark year will also host the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service. The Natchez National Historical Park will be commemorating this milestone by highlighting Natchez’s national significance through the establishment of Fort Rosalie, marking the birthday of Natchez, as well as presenting 366 days of Natchez history as told by as many members of the community for the Natchez History Minute.

While there will be a few parties next year, our biggest celebration is the people of Natchez, those from our past and especially those from our present, whose immense contributions to the community and love for this city have made Natchez a place I am proud to call home.

As we acknowledge our past and present throughout the year, we will also be preparing for the future, creating educational and creative opportunities for our youth from all schools and all ages.

As far as we have come, your help is still needed to make next year special for residents and visitors. If you would like to become involved, visit to sign up for our volunteer efforts, purchase a Natchez Tricentennial specialty tag, sponsor an event, or spearhead your own event.

I have no doubt 2016 will be a paramount year in Natchez’s history because you will be a part of it.

You are a part of this special community and any contributions you are able to make, no matter the capacity, will serve to inspire others to make our 300th year truly unforgettable.

As American cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Kelin Hendricks

Natchez Tricentennial Commission liaison