Come to first film coalition meeting

Published 12:02 am Tuesday, April 28, 2015

It’s hardly a secret that the Miss-Lou is a great place to make a movie, television show, documentary, commercial, or just about any other type of film.

Steeped in historic structures, stunning beauty, splendid outdoor scenes, helpful people, talented actors, and great hospitality, the area has so much to offer any production company.

When I was working as an extra on “Get On Up” absorbing my three seconds of fame, I heard the film crew remark repeatedly how great it was to be here, and several hoped to be back on another film or two. Also, we have read the distinct possibility that Greg Iles’ works could become a television series, and that Tate Taylor (“The Help” and “Get On Up”) has talked about another film in our area. There are other commercial film ventures discussed and/or planned as well.

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With all that film-related energy, a film coalition seems a natural complement and outgrowth of that. For years, I thought such a group was vitally needed here, particularly when I saw the enthusiasm my film students had during my years at Copiah-Lincoln Community College’s Natchez campus, and when I see the same eagerness of the film students at Adams County Christian School.

So, we’re calling the first meeting of the Miss-Lou Film Coalition for Thursday, April 30, 6:30 p.m. at the Natchez Museum of African-American History and Culture, 301 Main St.

This is a “come one, come all” invitation to experienced film makers and aspiring film makers. I put myself in the middle of that pack, having produced local documentaries, promotional shorts, and taught the basics to inexperienced students.

The meeting will be informal and casual with modest agenda: to get together, share ideas, and discuss what future the coalition might have. We’ll have light refreshments. We’ll let the coalition find its own direction, although the components of collaboration, education, outreach and networking surely are components worthy of discussion.

This truly could be a vital resource for film makers in and outside the Miss-Lou. Please call with any questions: 601-442-0980 or email:


G. Mark LaFrancis is a Natchez resident and an independent film maker.