Maybe volunteer group is right for you

Published 12:05 am Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Mississippi Homemaker Volunteers of Adams County will conduct an open house on April 22 at the Extension Building, 75A Carthage Point Road, Natchez, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Mississippi Homemaker Volunteers statewide will be observing volunteerism that week.

This will be one of the days MHV members in Adams County will share with the Miss-Lou community information on the many and varied program’s projects in which the five county clubs are involved.

Email newsletter signup

This will also be a time for membership intake. Even if you are not retired as most of the members are, you can become a “Mailbox” member or you just might be the person to start a new club of your interest.

There can be Couples Club, Technology Club, Photography Club or even an Exercise Club. Well, you get the idea.

If you are still a part of the work force, your membership is still needed. The expertise you will bring to MHV will be a welcomed opportunity whatever it is.

You just might want to be a supporter or an Awards Sponsor by making a financial contribution.

Whatever your desire is or will be for the future of volunteering in the Miss-Lou community, we will be appreciative of you attending the open house to learn more about Adams County MHV and what place or part you may have in this worthwhile effort.

We all know that loads are made easier when numbers are greater and those creating the numbers are dedicated to the cause that has to be done.

Adams County MHV promises you that the rewards you receive will be greater than the time and effort spent doing your volunteering.

Mark your calendar for April 22. It is not a stay all-day event. It is a come-and-go event.

What a wonderful way to spend your lunch hour.  We hope to see you there.

For more details and information, please call the Extension Office and ask for Penny, 601-445-8201.


Lillian Edney is a member of the Mississippi Homemaker Volunteers of Adams County.