Deceased loved ones still care for us

Published 12:05 am Thursday, March 12, 2015

Many times, we go about our day-to-day activities after losing a loved one saying that loved one is looking down on us. We also say in our minds when we want approval of something, especially from someone who was dear to us and has passed on, we would tell ourselves that we know they are approving of what we are doing.

How many times in a day do we seek the love and care of those who have passed on? Do we really feel, or know, that they are still concerned about our welfare?

I say yes.

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In the Bible, there was a rich man who had passed on. When he was alive, he lived a life of luxury and only cared for himself, but after death, he ended up in a place that was torment for him.

And because now, he knew that there was no hope for him, he was concerned about his brothers. In his concern, he asked Abraham if he would send back the man (Lazarus) who he denied any of his lifestyle of luxury, not even to give him bread to eat as he sat outside his place every day begging.

The story tells us that this beggar ended up in a place that God had prepared for those who knew him, a place of paradise. Again, the rich man’s plea was not for himself because he knew that there was no hope for him, and he had to pay for the selfish lifestyle he lived.

No, all he wanted was someone who would warn his brothers. He wanted his brother to be told to change their life so they wouldn’t end up as he did, in a place that was filled with hell fire.

This makes me believe that although our loved ones have passed on, they are still looking out for us.

So, it is a natural thing to want to believe; and to believe although our loved ones have passed on, they are still there for us. Have you ever felt the presence of a loved one?

Don’t feel that this is an insane action on your part when you feel the presence of a loved one who has passed on, still communicating to you in various situations and circumstances of your life.

I do believe that our loved ones, although they have passed on, are still seeking to see our safety, our mental state, our physical being and seeking that we not end up in a place of torment.

So when you make a statement that you feel that your loved one, who has passed on, is looking out for you, it’s true.


Beverly Gibson is a former Natchez resident who now lives in Ferriday.