Candlelight vigil will honor unborn

Published 12:05 am Tuesday, January 20, 2015

All of us are aware that while things are always changing, other things seem to stay the same.

One item that falls in the “same” category is the annual Candlelight Vigil for the Unborn, sponsored by Pro-Life Natchez-Adams County, to mark the anniversary of the Supreme Court Roe v. Wade Decision, guaranteeing a mother’s legal right to abort her child at any time in her pregnancy and also in memory of the over 55 million innocent lives lost due to this ruling.

So where’s the change? Well, look for altogether new and different messengers this year, and perhaps a fresh message.

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Our guest speakers will be high school students from the Miss-Lou who have graciously agreed to take part in the vigil and briefly share their views with us.

This promises to be interesting, even challenging. I, for one, am looking forward to hearing what they have to say on the subject. After all, these young people will be voting, if not this year than very soon.

At last year’s March for Life in Washington, D.C., where hundreds of thousands converged on Constitution Avenue to demand an end to abortion, one of the largest constituents consisted of high school and college students who arrived by the busload to take a stand, many carrying signs that proclaimed “We are the Pro-Life Generation.”

When someone commented that these were the future of the Pro-Life movement, he was corrected and informed that these young people are the Pro-Life movement right now. Those marchers in Washington braved 9-degree weather to have their voices heard.

Last year’s vigil right here in Natchez was bone-chilling cold, one to remember.

That’s why the vigils are always kept short, about 30 minutes.

So bundle up and join us Thursday at the Gazebo on the Bluff at 5:30 p.m.

It should be interesting.


Virginia O’Beirne is a co-chairman of Pro-Life Natchez-Adams County.