Obama showing Marxist tendencies

Published 12:05 am Sunday, January 11, 2015

Why are the hateful people never guilty of hate?

For weeks, protests and demonstrations have erupted across the country over the deaths of teen robbery suspect Michael Brown and untaxed cigarette vendor Eric Garner in NYC who died of a heart attack in a hospital after being subdued by the police with a chokehold. These demonstrators have done millions of dollars in damage to their communities and immeasurable damage in their relations to other Americans. However, none of the thousands of demonstrators bear any measure of blame.

As our brilliant president has stated, “This could be a good thing.” A clear reflection of his study of Marxism that encourages civil disobedience.

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On Dec. 13, Al Sharpton, who is Obama’s unofficial adviser on racial matters, led thousands in protest marches in Washington, New York and the Millions March Day of Anger. The participants chanted, “What do we want?  Dead cops!  When do we want it?  Now!” If you or I led such a procession uttering such stupid nonsense, we would all be immediately arrested. However, these people continue to show arrogance and discourse without interruption.

The chanters got their wish days later when Isymaaiyl Brinsley drove to New York and shot two New York City police officers as they sat in their car eating a roast beef sandwich. But who was vilified in this situation? The mayor of New York, of all people, stated that the police needed to become more tolerant. How much more tolerant can one be than sitting in his car eating lunch?

Barack Obama is half-white. As such, he held a golden opportunity to correct the wrongs of both American blacks and whites. Unfortunately, he chose to be the champion of the black and Hispanic populations with his senseless rhetoric. He talks the talk, but won’t walk the walk.

Opening the borders allowing millions of Hispanics to enter illegally and allowing Cubans to migrate to America unimpeded, will only serve to disrupt millions more Americans from their jobs. Since he received nearly 100 percent of the black vote and 65 percent of the Hispanic vote in past elections, he hopes to continue his scheme for the Democratic party by riling the black population and appearing to cater to the Hispanics. In his eyes, it is more important to have your vote than to make it possible for you to support your family. Let the government give you a pittance — again more Marxist theory.

As an outsider looking in, it appears to me that some folks in this country want to live without laws and regulations. They want to do what they want to do, when they want to do it. I would suggest to these people that they migrate to Somalia where there are no enforced laws and they can live as they please. However, they can also die before they please.


Ed Field

Natchez resident