Plenty of cheer spread at Camelot

Published 10:17 am Thursday, January 8, 2015

Saturday, Dec. 27, was a very rainy and stormy day, but it didn’t deter the spiritual mission of Union Baptist Church Missionary Society from visiting Camelot’s Nursing Home.

The mission sang songs, read scriptures, played games and discussed some real life experiences with the residents. Some of the residents sang Christmas carols with the group and expressed why they loved and worshipped God.

Several games were played, but they enjoyed musical chairs best of all because each individual won a gift — socks, lotion, powder, Kleenex, tissues, etc.

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At the end of our visit, we sang “We Wish You a Merry Christmas,” gave out treat bags with a variety of goodies, shook hands and hugged the residents, and we thanked God for such a positive event.


Margaret Mays

Vidalia resident