NRMC employees the best around

Published 12:04 am Friday, October 3, 2014

My husband recently was a patient at Natchez Regional.

I guess I could complain about the length of time it took to be admitted or about the lack of working air conditioning in the critical care unit, but I won’t.

When they were short handed in the emergency room, nurses from critical care came and made my husband comfortable.

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A fan was brought to his room to cool him.

Portable air units were brought in. When a respiratory therapist couldn’t find a needed piece of disposable equipment she managed to get it from Promise Hospital.

When he was discharged to a local nursing home for physical therapy his nurse worked long after her shift should have ended to fill out the seemingly endless paperwork.

A respiratory therapist visited my husband at the nursing home to be sure all was well.

A nurse’s aide called me several times just to check on him.

Natchez Regional is so much more than an ailing building and poor administration.

We are so lucky to have the people who work there. You might think they would be bitter about the way they have been treated, but I saw none of that. Everyone we met was so caring and helpful.

I hope they see more respect from the new administrators. These care givers are the best.

Thanks to all of you.


Fran Brellenthin

Natchez resident