County judge candidates address issues in this year’s election

Published 12:30 am Sunday, September 7, 2014

Q: What is your opinion of the Youth Drug Court and Family Drug Court programs? Will you keep them if elected?

Walt Brown: I am a proponent of the Drug Court program. I have seen many lives saved and changed for the better in the adult Drug Court. Drugs are the root of most of the crime problems we face in Adams County and it is also a national problem. If elected judge, I will work closely with the Youth Drug Court and Family Drug Court. Anything we can do to break the chain of addiction will help Adams County and it’s citizens in the future. In turn, that should reduce crime and produce a ready, willing and able workforce. To be effective, the Youth and Family Drug Courts must be run right with close supervision by the Judge. It’s not a perfect program, but when run right, it can be effective and save lives and hopefully reduce crime.

Lamar Bullen: I will do a study on each program to determine their effectiveness.  I believe a new mentoring program should be implemented as I mentioned above.

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Patricia Dunmore: Drug Court is a great tool for rehabilitation. Youth Drug Court attempts to rehabilitate a child before he becomes an adult. Family Drug Court is very important to the success of Youth Drug Court because it attempts to condition and rehabilitate the parent. If the parent can be rehabilitated this will reduce the chances of the child becoming a juvenile delinquent.

Brandi Lewis: Yes, drugs are the center of most crimes committed by both juveniles and adults.  The children need some source of aid to help them with their abuse of drugs and alcohol.  Children are very impressionable, and if we can remedy the substance abuse problems at the juvenile level I think it will go along way in insuring there is a lack of recidivism in the Youth Court system.  As Judge, both through my own efforts and those of my staff, we need to support these youth.  In order to do this appropriately, the youth need to be provided with tools to help themselves with whatever issues are causing or aiding in their behavior.  In most circumstances, that catalyst is drugs and/or alcohol.  Therefore, I think Youth Drug Court is an necessary and important part of our rehabilitation efforts.

Scott Pintard: I believe the Drug Programs are very important in our community. Every effort should be made to help those who get caught up in drugs and emotional pitfalls in life. Help should be available for all those who ask or need assistance. Drugs are an evil in our society which is the gateway to much unwanted and unlawful behavior. Through the Drug program we assist, without criminalizing, those in our community so they can become productive members of our society and peers for others.

Scott Slover: I would keep both programs. The Family Drug Court is only available to parents who have neglected children due to drug addiction. It is not for criminals seeking to avoid prison. This program helps children who might otherwise end up in foster care reunite with parents who have a vigorously fought and addressed their drug problem. The Youth Drug Court also creates greater restrictions than standard probation. I have witnessed it be both effective and fail. I would work with the dedicated drug court counselors to improve its effectiveness.