Ferriday OKs funds for sewer repair

Published 12:06 am Wednesday, March 12, 2014

NATCHEZ — The Ferriday Board of Aldermen voted Tuesday to spend nearly $40,000 to repair an overflowing sewer that caused the ground to collapse in an alleyway near Seventh and Eighth streets.

Mayor Gene Allen told the board at its monthly meeting the expense is a “must do” not a “want to do.”

The town recently had to spend $50,000 to repair a sewer line at Lancaster Addition, Allen said. The town, he said, was able to obtain emergency funding from the state to pay for the repair.

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“We’re going to have to find a way to pay for this one,” Allen said.

In other news from the meeting:

-The board voted to allow vendors to use Rockabilly Plaza as a farmers’ market to sell goods at the request of Alderman Elijah “Stepper” Banks.

The board also voted to repay Alderman Johnnie Brown $2,000 and Betty Davis $500 for money they paid for a kick-off event to garner support and vendors for the farmers’ market.

Town Attorney Myisha Davis said she would have to research whether the town could spend money on the farmers’ market. It was not determined at the meeting whether the town owns the market or just the facility.

-Alderwoman Somer Lance shared concerns from Woodland Subdivision residents about stray dogs in their neighborhood.

Lance said she was concerned residents may try to take care of the problem themselves or the dogs could bite small children that play in the neighborhood.

Allen said the City of Vidalia has agreed to provide the services of its humane officer to help alleviate the stray dog problem.

Allen asks that residents with stray dogs in their neighborhoods contact the Ferriday Police Department, who will then contact the humane officer.