Scandals should be wake up call, Americans

Published 12:10 am Sunday, June 23, 2013

I read once that the memory of a goldfish is about four seconds. As a fisherman, I know this is probably true because after throwing a fish back that I had caught, I may catch it again in a very short time. It had forgotten everything that had happened to it before and took the bait again.

Sometimes I think that the memory of humans is not much longer than that of a goldfish.

I’m referring to all the scandals that have come from Washington, particularly in the past five years. If left alone, all of it will be forgotten shortly, and our “ignorance is bliss” lifestyle will continue on its merry, dancing with the stars way.

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There have been Americans shot by Mexicans on American soil. This should be an act of war. But by being ignored, all has been forgotten and now millions of Mexicans will be given amnesty. This must be the real Montezuma’s revenge.

Then, there was the “Fast and Furious” incident where U.S. guns were sold to Mexican drug cartels with the result that American DEA agents were killed with them. Everything’s OK now though — all is forgotten and forgiven.

Then there was Benghazi. A cover-up and outright lying session during the presidential campaign to save the face of a president who had said, “Al Qaeda is on the run.” Four Americans were killed and an embassy destroyed because we were told that the natives were restless over a videotape.

Now, the main player hopes to run for president in 2016. Just forget and forgive.

Now the IRS is hounding persons and groups who are thought to be contra of the present presidential administration. Upon scrutiny, nobody in the IRS knows anything, were not told of anything and “did nothing wrong.” You know, if you really do go to hell for lying, I know a lot of folks who will go there.

Then, of course, there is the NSA that has been tapping our telephone calls and emails. It turns out they had a judge in their pocket who rubberstamped approval for all their requests for surveillance.

Then there is Eric Holder, the Attorney General and the man behind the scenes in most of the aforementioned scandals.  He has said that Mississippi has not suffered long enough and hard enough to merit voter ID.

Besides, he says, there is no evidence of voting fraud in Mississippi. I would refer Mr. Holder to the most recent election results in Hattiesburg and tell me that today.

To review all of the shenanigans of late that have occurred with the national, state and local politicians would fill a multitude of pages. I have mentioned only the latest acts of malfeasance in office.

To quote Thomas Jefferson, “The people will submit to as much tyranny as they will allow.”

I say wake up Americans, never forget and let us take our America back as we remember it from before!


Ed Field
