Are we already over the fiscal cliff?

Published 12:01 am Friday, December 14, 2012

America went over the fiscal cliff years ago.

The 16-plus trillion of debt plus the ramped up freebies and older obligations means we have been realistically in the “fiscal canyon” for at least a decade.

The tax thieves that cleaned out the treasury are now going to solve a debt problem that will take at least 20 years? Do you really accept that?

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How many lesser problems have they ever “solved” for over a year or two (by postponing reality)? Many.

Taxing the rich is a bold lie. Mouthy billionaire Warren Buffett has $44 billion, but if he gave every cent to the federal government today, that runs the monster socialist state of America for five days. Yes, it’s that bad.

It’s the spending, stupid, and always has been.

The pawn media fooled you again with class warfare lies.

The thieves are the 30-plus-year power hungry congressional folks and their penchant for toxic socialist policies that grow the monster government, create dependency and buy votes.

Any attempts to freeze, reduce, consolidate or reform (outside the military) are met with angry warnings of doom which  only keeping the status quo socialist minds in charge can remedy.

Please, all of We The People are not that dumb.

Now the socialist game is to get a lot of taxes past the Republicans then blame them for the further rotting of America…all the while boldy lying, boldly borrowing, boldly printing money and blaming demons instead of their wild spending, toxic socialist policies.

Gird your loins.


Doug Schexnayder

Vidalia resident