Ballet Magnificat coming this fall

Published 12:10 am Sunday, October 14, 2012

So many of you have asked, and I am pleased and honored to announce that Ballet Magnificat Omega will be returning to Natchez again this our fourth year.

Parkway Baptist Church will once again sponsor their return with Carolyn Ridley, Dorothy and Robert Sylvester, Beatrice Owens and Dr. Akinremi Akinwale spearheading the event.

This will be the first time since their original visit to Natchez that we will have the ballet in the fall of the year.

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This year’s event will be at 7 p.m. Nov. 30, and tickets will be $15. Our ticket price has not increased from the previous year.

The ballet for this year will be “Before the Throne.” The performance will be at the Margaret Martin Performing Arts Center, 64 Homochitto St. in Natchez. Tickets are available for purchase at this time.

Ballet Magnificat is the premiere Christian ballet company in the United States. Their headquarters is located in Jackson. The company was created in 1986 under the artistic direction of Ms. Kathy Thibodeaux. Her vision was inspired by her desire to see the arts restored to the church. The ensemble of professional dancers from around the world share Ms. Thibodeaux’s vision and present more than 200 programs each year throughout the United States and abroad.

Ballet Magnificat has been a fundraising event for our facility for the past four years, and we are grateful to the community for their continued support of this wonderful event and our program.

Our facility serves an 11-county area in Southwest Mississippi to provide a safe haven for women and children of domestic violence. We relocated our facility earlier this year and are encouraged that the residents of our area know that even though our old facility has closed, we are still a resource in the community for victims of domestic violence.

Our telephone number, 601-442-0142, remains the same.

Our shelter capacity serves 27 women and children with our provided services of shelter, food, personal care items for women and children, school supplies, day care services, transportation, domestic violence education and parenting classes, individual therapy, referrals for employment, housing, medical, dental, legal and educational services.

Ballet Magnificat is one of several yearly fundraising activities that have proven to be popular within the community as we strive to provide public awareness of the services to the victims of domestic violence as well as continuing to raise money to maintain our facility activities.

We hope this event will continue to be well-received as the ballet performers continue to entertain us and provide us with their message of “When in the presence of Jesus, one is changed forever.”

Any questions regarding the ballet information or ticket purchase can be directed to our office at 601-442-0142 or to Parkway Baptist Church at 601-445-9185.


Donna Miller is the director of the Guardian Shelter in Natchez.