Can’t we broadcast better programs?
Published 12:04 am Friday, July 6, 2012
I enjoy listening to nighttime talk radio. In Natchez, however, there seems to be very little of it. There is all-night prate about sporting events, religious radio and public broadcasting. Public radio is manned by English reporters who, for the most part, speak with a heavy British brogue. Besides, I don’t think they fully grasp the feelings of the American people.
Case in point: During the recent Independence Day season, they reported an awful story of some slaves living in Virginia. The slave owner had a female slave who slept in her bedroom at night. One night, the slave’s son entered their bedroom, highly inebriated and wielding an ax. He reportedly meant no harm and was unaware of his actions.
The townspeople rioted and burned the slave quarters. Francis Scott Key, the composer of our National Anthem, was by this time, a prosecutor. He was determined to prosecute the young male slave even though he had not actually harmed anyone. The slave was eventually convicted and executed.
Now I ask you, is this an appropriate story to relate during the July 4 holiday season? In my opinion, it reflects negatively on Francis Scott Key and our national anthem.
Our President has stated that he would prefer a national anthem that is not so war-like. I would remind our President that our liberties were fought for with a loss of blood, sweat and lives. These liberties were not presented to us because our enemies love us.
By my best estimate, Santa Claus’ elves are slaves. They work for their keep, they have no defined working hours and judging by their appearance they are in no way related to the Claus family.
I’ll bet that the National Public Broadcasting organization could scratch around hard enough and find a witness who will testify that Santa is a slave-owner and that Mrs. Claus is being held against her will. In addition, Santa physically abuses the slave-elves.
Should they dredge up this story, would it be appropriate to tell during the Christmas season? Hardly.
For whatever reason, there is still incredible guilt in this country for having had legal slavery. I am sorry, because no man should attempt to own another man. However, everyone alive today had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Slavery was ubiquitous on a world-wide basis. In Brazil, for instance, conditions were awful and slaves died young. It required six slaves there for each one coming to America.
America must gain a return of its previous pride. We cannot be reminded of the skeletons in our closets on a daily basis by reports such as those that cheapen Francis Scott Key, the National Anthem or even Santa Claus.
I ask the powers that be in broadcasting in Natchez, in Mississippi, and in the national office — can’t we do better than our present programming or must we all purchase Internet or satellite radios?
Ed Field