City should appoint leaders by seniority

Published 10:00 am Sunday, April 29, 2012

In response to the headline article in the The Natchez Democrat dated Wednesday, April 25, concerning the aldermen and alderwoman who walked out of the meeting, I would like to respond and offer a suggestion to the entire governing body in the City of Natchez, and to all my fellow citizens.

I would like to see the mayor and board of aldermen pass an ordinance which reflects that the most senior ranking member of any department be the head of such department if he or she decides to do so.

This can be a democratic solution that all the citizens of Natchez can rely on and expect to come forth.

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The founding fathers of this nation adopted a constitution whereby we would govern ourselves and make our own laws.

The entire system of government in the United States is not perfect. The United States governmental system is the best we have with which to work.

We the people of the United States already know, if for any reason the president of the United States can no longer do his job because of illness or death, then the responsibility falls on the vice president.

The vice president is the most senior-ranking member to fill the position.

At the very top of our own governmental system, positions are filled by the senior-ranking member who has the experience, qualifications and has already worked in the system.

I would like the aldermen in the City of Natchez to bring a motion to the floor and adopt a system based on seniority and not appointments.

We as citizens can live with our senior ranking members holding on to their positions until the next election. Leave our departments to be headed by our own senior ranking members and stop all outsider appointments.

There are no racial lines between a rank and file system; our armed forces have been using this system for centuries.


Clint Dixon

Natchez resident