Chief candidates shouldn’t want job now

Published 12:06 am Thursday, April 26, 2012

I sit here amazed once again at our local city leaders’ lack of business acumen and sense of decorum.

Tuesday night’s antics by the aldermen are just another round of embarrassing  shenanigans.

What started over half a year ago, with the forced retirement of then-Chief Mike Mullins has turned into a debacle.

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With the city elections around the corner, Mullins suggested that he be allowed to retire this June.

That suggestion was washed aside and denied. Instead the mayor and board of aldermen decided to rush and hire a new chief.

The Civil Service Commission quickly and professionally recommended three applicants.

It was then announced that the mayor and board were too busy dealing with the casino lease to interview the three candidates. Talk about not being able to multi-task.

Even my 12-month-old grandchild can multi-task. She can bang on a pot with a spoon and drink her bottle at the same time.

Now here it is a week before the election, and still no new chief of police and nothing but pot banging by the board.

My suggestion to the three applicants for chief would be to think hard about who you will be answering to if you are hired, and then promptly withdraw your consideration for the job.

Last night’s meeting was an embarrassment to the City of Natchez.

Voters remember this at the polls next week.

Jody Waldrop

Natchez resident