Senator pushes unity among southern counties
Published 12:05 am Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Road Manager Robbie Dollar said he is currently assessing the road program. Supervisors’ President Darryl Grennell said money was in the budget for the spraying program, so the supervisors should let Dollar and Progressive Solutions work out how the program would be completed.
In other news:
4The executive director of Southwest Mental Health, Steve Ellis, approached the supervisors about adding a mental health component into the county insurance program.
At any time, one-in-four or one-in-five people has a diagnosable mental illness, and an employee who is impaired by a mental illness could open the county up for liability if an incident occurs because of their illness, Ellis said.
While he wasn’t ready to make a proposal to the supervisors yet, Ellis said he was willing to work with County Administrator Joe Murray to craft a plan for the county.
The supervisors did not take any specific action on the issue.
4Dollar requested the supervisors purchase seven new trucks for the road department at a total cost of $147,504. All of the trucks he will be replacing have more than 250,000 miles on them and will be sent to auction, Dollar said.
Supervisor Mike Lazarus said one of the debts the county will pay off this year is for approximately $150,000.
“I think all of your request will fall under what we are going to pay off,” Lazarus said.
“It’ll be a wash.”
The supervisors voted to purchase the vehicles.
4The supervisors opened bids for the hook-up of generators at the county’s emergency shelters.
For the generator at Community Chapel Church, Eagle Electric bid $36,300, Natchez Heating and Cooling bid $44,862 and Thorpe Sheet Metal bid $45,704.
For the generator at the Steckler Building, Natchez Heating and Cooling bid $94,757 and Thorpe Sheet Metal bid $80,494.
The only bid submitted for the generator on site at Parkway Baptist Church was for $92,310, by Thorpe Sheet Metal.
The supervisors took the bids under advisement.