Help support your local library

Published 12:13 am Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why should you be a friend (of the library, that is)?

What do the Friends of the Library do? Well, for one thing, they raise money for the library!

Each year the Friends of the Library host an annual Christmas Tour of Homes.

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Homes on this tour are not open to the public during Pilgrimage. These are private houses, whose owners agree to decorate for Christmas (early) and open their doors to the public for one reason only. They recognize the importance of the library. They are library users and are happy to help in a way that benefits the library!

The goal for this year is to raise enough funding to get the (much needed) exterior repairs done, let’s just say, shutters and complete the painting of the library.

In addition, the Friends of the Library also pay for our subscription to Ancestry Library Edition, a much-used data base genealogy advocates just love!

They also help provide funding for programs, such as our summer library program for children, teens and adults. They help with book purchases, as well as lots of other extras.

The friends is a wonderful support group, without whom we would not be able to provide many of the services people just take for granted. Their major fundraiser is the annual Christmas Tour of Homes.

This years’ group includes four downtown homes and an added attraction will be the refreshment center at Stratton Chapel including a tour of the historic photo gallery. Those who have never seen this gallery are in for a special treat.

This year’s tour information may be found on the library’s website

Tickets may be purchased at the library, Natchez Pilgrimage Tours (online or at the visitor’s center) or at any home on the afternoon of the tour. For additional information, call the library at 601-445-8862.

So, if you are not a friend, please be a friend (of the library).

And join us for this year’s Library Tour of Homes, from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 4.

And, if you are a friend, thanks!


Susan Cassagne is the director of the Armstrong Library.