Prescription drugs at root of crime woes

Published 12:00 pm Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Robbery, death, robbery, death, robbery, death — come on city politicians, leaders, law enforcement, civilians.

Isn’t it about time you start focusing on the core of the issue here? Sure we need to take care of the issue at hand, but this issue had to come from somewhere.

One of these “issues” hit home, and I am somewhat aware of what is circulating on the streets in Natchez and Adams County.

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Along with drugs and alcohol, Natchezians, these alleged suspects, as well as children, teenagers and our young adults are introduced to prescribed medicines such as promethazine with codeine, xanax, hydrocodone, vicodin, percocet, oxycodone and other opioids.

They are carelessly handling these medicines, and as a result they become villains in our community.

These drugs are coming in from somewhere. The big question is, who is transporting them and where are they coming from?

Surely someone has to know something! This is poison on our streets, and it is very potent. Unless something is done to get to the core of the issue, it will get worse. We have to break this cycle, this omen lingering over our city.

As for the prescribed drugs, who is responsible for the easy-to-get medications? Are patients selling the drugs on the street after they are received?

Although many people are in true need of these drugs, there are some that really do not need them.

Which leads me to one question, are the doctors prescribing these drugs really aware of who needs what?

Or are they letting the pens do the walking? So tell me, who will be held accountable?

On the other hand, Natchez has no activities or recreation for our young people to become interested or involved in.

Therefore they are going to hang out, smoke, drink and get in trouble.

Face it Natchez, these children are going nowhere, accommodate them!

Earline Collins

Natchez resident