Hutchins, Butler, Lazarus win

Published 12:57 am Wednesday, August 3, 2011

ERIC SHELTON/THE NATCHEZ DEMOCRAT — Liz Haynes congratulates Calvin Butler near Carter’s Barber Shop Tuesday night after learning that Butler had won the District 5 supervisors’ Democratic primary. Butler will now face Republican Grady Wilson in the Nov. 8 general election.

NATCHEZ — Voters spoke loudly in primary elections in favor of two newcomers and an incumbent for Adams County supervisors in District 1, 3 and 5.

Each race had more than two candidates in the primary, but voters named a majority winner in all three.

Calvin “Jyrodd Buford” Butler took District 5 supervisor race with 54.63 percent of the vote, ousting two-term incumbent S.E. “Spanky” Felter for the Democratic ticket.

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Angela Gibson Hutchins took District 3 with 59.02 percent and will replace longtime supervisor Thomas “Boo” Campbell, who did not seek re-election, in January.

Incumbent Mike Lazarus took District 1 with 72.3 percent and was elected Tuesday to a second term.

District 5

Butler earned 944 votes, Felter earned 607 votes, or 35.13 percent, and Moe LeBlanc earned 176 votes, or 10.19 percent.

Butler will go on to face Republican Grady Wilson in the general election Nov. 8.

Dianne Good, left, congratulates Angela Gibson Hutchins after Hutchins won the District 3 Democratic primary. Hutchins will replace Thomas “Boo” Campbell in January.

Hearing the good news after a hot day of campaigning, which started at 5 a.m., felt good, Butler said.

“I feel good. I worked hard, and my team of supporters worked hard,” he said.

Butler said he wanted to thank both of his opponents for a clean, professional race.

“My hat is off to Spanky (Felter) for his past years of service and the great work he has done,” Butler said.

Holding an elected office is not an easy thing to do, Butler said, and Felter stepped up to the plate.

Butler said winning the majority vote without a runoff relieved him.

“I worked my butt off for a year and a half (campaigning),” Butler said.

District 3

Hutchins earned 759 votes, Wilbert Whittley earned 265 votes, or 20.61 percent, and Raythell P. Smith earned 262 votes, or 20.37 percent.

“I’m very excited,” Hutchins said. “I don’t think (the win) has set in.”

Hutchins said winning after the first primary was a relief.

“It’s been a long road, and I’ve been working from the time (campaign season) started until it ended,” Hutchins said.

Hutchins said the race for District 3 went well.

Serving as administrative assistant to the board of supervisors for years allowed Hutchins to participate in the actions of the board.

“I was playing a big role before, but I just didn’t have a vote,” she said.

“I want to thank everyone who came out and supported me and went out to vote for me,” Hutchins said. “I really thank them.”

District 1

Lazarus earned 1,140 votes, Robert “Bobby” Braswell earned 297 votes, or 18.69 percent and Derrick Batteste earned 144 votes, or 9.06 percent.

Lazarus said he was humbled by the results.

“I’m just thrilled people have that much confidence in me, and I’m not going to let them down.”

Lazarus said he withstood some negative campaigning from his opponents, but he did not let it get him down.

“It’s just a great relief to get (the election) over with.”

Lazarus discovered he won more than 70 percent of the vote, he said, after a three-way phone call from Board President Darryl Grennell, who ran uncontested, and District 3 Supervisor Thomas “Boo” Campbell, who did not run for reelection, delivered the news.

Lazarus said he wanted to thank his supporters for having faith in him to let him serve another four years in office.

“(The supervisors have) got a lot to do in Adams County and now is not the time for any mistakes,” Lazarus said. “I think we got a lot of great things ahead of us.”