Remember children on Memorial Day

Published 12:08 am Friday, May 27, 2011

Mom, when is dad coming home?

I’m still too young to understand

the real reason why he was called

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to go to war. Sure, dad was a rugged

and fearless man. Talk to me mom,

when is dad coming home?

Mom, when is dad coming home?

Is it so bad that he was called up to fight?

When in generations past, American soldiers

fought and gave their lives — that we could

live free and not live in blight. Talk to me

mom, when is dad coming home?

Mom, when is dad coming home?

All my friends at school know dad.

I showed them his picture in uniform

and I felt glad. At night I would pray

real hard that dad would keep up his guard.

Talk to me mom, when is dad coming home.

Mom, when is dad coming home?

Memorial Day is here again, when everyone

remembers past wars, the parades, the

American flag and all. I sure wish dad would

call. Talk to me mom, when is dad coming


Mom, when is dad coming home? Memorial Day

was lots of fun, but, I still think of dad and

knowing this, I feel sad. It seems like only

yesterday that he left us. He hugged and kissed

us and never put up a fuss. As the days go by, I

really miss dad. But, there are times that mom

cheer me up and I feel glad. Talk to me mom,

when is dad coming home?

Mom, when is dad coming home? A letter from

the government comes home. Maybe it’s from

dad! I run to mom just like an Irish Setter! Mom

breaks down into tears halfway through the

letter. I look at mom and ask what’s wrong? She

looks at me and then to heaven and says, your dad’s home.

Technical Sgt. Robert D. Doucet

Natchez resident