Parish officials look to fix old problems
Published 12:21 am Sunday, January 2, 2011
VIDALIA — Ferriday Mayor Glen McGlothin said the new year in Ferriday is going to bring the solution to a 22-year-old problem the town just can’t seem to shake.
“We are finally getting a new water plant, sewer plant and new water meters,” he said. “This has been on the drawing board for a long time, and I am looking forward to it to help end some of our woes.”
McGlothin said fixing the town’s water problem is going to be a great relief to residents of Ferriday.
“I know that getting clean water may be unimportant to others,” he said. “But in Ferriday, this amounts to everything. We have needed it for a long time.”
Vidalia Mayor Hyram Copeland said 2011 is going to be a big year for his city as well.
“The recreation complex should start construction in February or March, and we should be close to completion on the municipal complex,” he said. “We also should be starting on the port in late spring and hopefully we can begin the second stage of the marina.”
Copeland said along with the numerous projects in the area, he will also be continuing the effort to bring more industry and business to Vidalia.
“I believe 2011 is going to be the turnaround year for the recession,” he said. “I am really getting a positive outlook for 2011.”
More housing is another area in which Copeland said Vidalia is going to be working on improving.
“We can hopefully get new apartments and subdivisions in the area for the new year,” he said. “I think there are going to be some major improvements in the area that will really help the city and its residents.”
Concordia Parish Economic and Industrial Development District Executive Director Heather Malone said her main focus for 2011 is going to be the development of the port.
“We have received funds to start work on the project, and there will be dirt moving in 2011 for the port,” she said.
Malone said the port is going to bring many positive things to Concordia Parish.
“This is going to be the gateway for economic development in the parish and surrounding areas,” she said. “It is truly going to open us up to market ourselves and recruit businesses to the area as well as provide more service to the existing area.”
Concordia Parish Police Jury President Melvin Ferrington said fixing the courthouse roof is the number one thing he and the jury are looking forward to completing in the new year.
“We have been working on this for years. There are leaks all over it, and it is something that needs to be fixed,” he said. “We received a $550,000 grant to fix it, and it is not costing the citizens a cent.”
Ferrington also said the jury is excited to begin working with the new drainage committee in 2011.
“We are going to be working to improve the drainage in the parish,” he said. “This is something that needs to be done, and we are ready to get started working with the new committee.”