Ferriday Garden Club learns designs
Published 6:28 pm Saturday, April 5, 2008
FERRIDAY — The most recent meeting of the Ferriday Garden Club featured a noted Louisiana Garden Club flower show judge, Barbara Coates from Delhi, La., who explained the requirements and methods of designing a miniature floral display suitable for entering a flower show. Coates had addressed some members from both the Ferriday Garden Club and the Vidalia Garden Club who are cosponsors of a flower show in Ferriday, April 12. Her appearance before both clubs at the Duck’s Nest II in Ferriday Wednesday evening centered around preparing a floral design in the table artistry category.
“The Flavors of Louisiana” is the flower show theme with design categories following celebrations and events specific to Louisiana. Two new categories, table artistry and miniature, were demonstrated by Coates. The miniature award must conform to a five-inch cubic area and must follow the overall show theme as well as the specific classification within the program and may use either live or dried plant material. The small category must not exceed an eight-cubic-inch space. Coates was a featured guest also at the recent meeting of Vidalia Garden Club where she outlined the new miniature category for the Vidalia Club members as well.
Following Coates’ remarks at the Ferriday Garden Club March meeting, new member Linda Delaney was introduced followed by a bird report on the yellow bill cuckoo by Sandra Gibson.
Mary Beth Whitehead shared an update on the arrival of the order of caladium bulbs, an annual fund raiser for the club. President Sherrill Sasser told the members of a recent Arbor Day event at Ferriday Junior High School at which the Beta Club students were involved in planting trees and bulbs on campus.
Lena Bateman, co-sponsor of the upcoming flower show, explained the club’s involvement in the April 12 Flower Show and encouraged members to participate in the floral design and horticulture competitions. Hostesses for the meeting, Anna Clayton, Joy Irvin and Marilyn Rife, served refreshments at a table following a St. Patrick’s Day theme. The Ferriday Garden Club will meet on April 10, at Concordia Bank in Ferriday.